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Riley Boatwright

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Rileys' Reading Challenge


This August I am taking part in the 2012 MS Readathon. I'm going to be reading as much as I can to raise funds for people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is the most common disease of the central nervous system and affects over 20,000 Australians. 
Fast Facts about MS: 
* The average diagnosis of MS is 30 years old. 
* MS affects three times as many women as men
* Tasmania has the highest prevalence of MS per capita in Australia
* There is no known cause or cure

The money I raise will help the  MS Society of Tasmania to provide clinical care, counselling, case management, information, education and resources to those living with MS and their families, as well as contributing towards research into a cure for this mystery disease. All funds raised stay in Tasmania to assist Tasmanians.

The MS Society of Tasmania has a proud history of supporting Tasmanians living with MS for over 50 years through providing clinical care, counselling, case management, information and education and resources as well as contributing towards research for a cure for this mystery disease.
Please help me to support people living with MS by clicking on the DONATE button. Your support is really appreciated!

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The MS Society of Tasmania

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Tasmania has been established to reduce the impact of multiple sclerosis on those affected by the condition, including the individual, family, friends and employers, while being committed to finding a cure for this condition and supporting research. The vision of the MS Society of Tasmania is to have a Tasmanian MS Community that is engaged, informed, understood and supported.
The MS Society has a proud history of providing a variety of services to clients for over 50 years. These include case management, counselling, immunotherapy, nursing support, co-ordinating an MS Clinic at the Royal Hobart Hospital Repatriation Centre, as well as providing education about MS to clients, health professionals and the wider community.

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